Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Rendezvous With Danger" - Where is Mama Bear and cubs?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Five Point" - Full-grown stag encountered by blog host while grazing in the comfort, serenity, and safety of our national park system (Mount Rainier National Park, July 1991).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pop Quiz: Can you count how many raccoons are in this picture?
[Note: Photo credit by unnamed photographer, from camera club in San Diego, Ca. - ed.] Photograph taken somewhere in Florida.

Blog host stumbled upon black moose while it was grazing in a marsh at Reynold's Flat, Big Cottonwood Canyon, N. Utah. [ Vivitar Series 1, 135 mm. telephoto. ]

Sleeping porcupine in tree, discovered accidentally while blog host was hiking with his chum Laird (in Little Cottonwood Canyon, N. Utah.) [ Vivitar Series 1, 135 mm. telephoto. ]

"Not one step further, Mister!" Giant marmot blocking blog host's path on trail of Mount Rainier, Washington. These marmots are considerably larger than those found by blog host in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah.